Most people probably aren’t even aware that they co-created and co-starred in a sketch comedy series back in the ‘90s, but now they are back with...
Marvel’s Best Outing Yet. The entertainment industry is facing a major problem. Oversaturation of superhero films. What began with Iron Man back in 2008...
Martin and Candy take an already hilarious film and thrust it above the rest by delivering an ultimately relatable and empathetic story. In my...
At times delightfully trippy and at others oddly spooky as it seamlessly and effectively toggles back and forth between Wilson’s life in the 1960s and the...
Nobody would expect the guy behind this incredibly narcissistic and overly confident government employee/entrepreneur/media mogul to now be behind such a refreshingly honest and smart...
The Martian finds Damon and Scott turning in some of their best work in years, particularly Scott, whose last films have primarily been received negatively. I...
The genius of the show is that it finds its humor by focusing on Phil/Tandy’s antics as he looks out only for himself and constantly tries...
If you do happen to be a fan of Murphy’s particular style and ridiculousness, chances are you will like Scream Queens. Nip/Tuck. Glee. American Horror...
It was the exact type of horror movie that I had been wishing for, offering slasher film gore and scare jumps all with a comedic undertone....
In all the years that this beloved show has been on the air, they have never done an actual Halloween episode. It’s hard to believe...
YouTube has been an unstoppably successful source of music videos and viral hits, so it makes sense that Google would want to further capitalize on that...
It is a mashup of various well-known and obscure literary characters (drawing many comparisons to The League of Extraordinary Gentleman) and often suffers in its plotting, but...
As hard as it may be to watch, it’s an authentic and unapologetic reflection of humanity. The summer of 2014 saw the premiere of one...
Its ratings have grown from an average of 5.24 million viewers to 14.40 million viewers in five seasons, making it the most watched series in...
It is the type of science fiction film that has become uncommon nowadays, focusing on the questions of what it means to be human and to...