Dustin Ritchea is a self-proclaimed “cool” nerd who has been telling stories since he was old enough to hold a Power Rangers action figure in his hand. Having run yearlong Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, watching all of Star-Trek Next Generation twice, and owning an exact replica of Sauron’s Gauntlet from The Lord of the Rings, he feels more than qualified to call himself a geek for Odd Tales Studios. As far as being “cool,” well that is an entirely different story, but sky diving, scuba diving, Europe hiking, and researching The Lord of the Rings couldn't hurt… a little more humility probably couldn’t hurt either. He holds a Masters of Science in Telecommunications from Indiana University and a Bachelors of Arts degrees in Theater Arts and English from Augsburg College. He specializes in storyworld creation, theater arts, creative writing, and creative management. In his spare time he works on fantasy novels, interactive e-books, and theater productions. In the future he hopes to pursue a PhD, but that time has not yet come.