“Little Nightmares,” the new horror game from Bandai-Namco, launches April 28. As such, the company released a launch trailer for the game. Reviews have been positive...
“Cover Fire” is the latest title from Genera Games, the Spanish mobile games company that brought you the likes of “Frozen Free Fall” and—goddamnit—”Run Forrest Run,” the...
“Heart. Papers. Border.,” a so-called optimistic strategy game was announced by Jovian Industries in an April 16 press release. Apparently, the game is about how someone lives...
Japanese companies Notes Co., Ltd, Aniplex Inc. and DELiGHTWORKS Inc. announced in a joint statement April 15 that the well-liked mobile RPG “Fate/Grand Order” will see a...
On top of the exorbitant $79.99 entry fee for Raven Software’s “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” remaster, Activision has decided to go ahead and charge...
The in-progress “X-Wing” series spiritual successor “Starfighter Inc.,” developed by Impeller Studios, showed at PAX East March 10-12 and is set to launch a second Kickstarter...
Steven Sharif, creative director of “Ashes of Creation,” the upcoming dynamic fantasy MMO, detailed what exactly Intrepid Studios means by a “dynamic world” in a blog...
The Game Creators, the company responsible for the infamously underwhelming FPS Creator and GameGuru, is expanding its reach into action RPG territory with “MyWorld,” a new...
“Clarisse,” a 2D point-and-click “artificial intelligence simulator” from Spanish developer Not Human Games, made its way onto Steam Greenlight Feb. 20. In “Clarisse,” players take on the...
Critically acclaimed Metroidvania-style game “Axiom Verge,” which was previously relegated to digital releases on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Steam and Wii U, will hit real,...
Intrepid Studios released a pre-alpha gameplay trailer of its upcoming MMORPG “Ashes of Creation” Feb. 28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHTWhIF5cqI “Ashes of Creation” is a fantasy MMORPG intended to...
King Louis XVI of France may have died more than 200 years ago, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still be saved—or at least, that’s the...
“Realpolitiks,” a streamlined modern-day grand strategy game from developer Jujubee S.A., knows how to make the player feel helplessly powerful. Upon launching a new game, players choose...
Marek Rosa, maker of Steam Early Access mainstay “Space Engineers,” announced today that his company GoodAI is hosting a multi-year competition to create more human-like artificial...
CD Projekt Red released a live concert video of music from “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” and both its expansions on YouTube on Feb. 15. The...
Upcoming fright fest “Little Nightmares” from Bandai Namco will be getting the comic book treatment, according to a Feb. 15 press release. “Little Nightmares,” a spooky...
Action-RPG veteran developer Neocore released a public alpha test of “Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr” for early supporters. “Inquisitor – Martyr,” the latest entry into the...
VR technology has been used to take players to distant galaxies, rob banks and be a ninja. So, of course, the next logical step is to...
Hatch, an upcoming PlayStation Now-style service for streaming mobile games, announced Feb. 6 that it signed a deal with Casual Connect Europe to keep an eye...
It could come as a surprise to many gamers that Microsoft handed the future of “Halo” to a woman when it opened development studio 343 Industries...
Developer Neople Games and publisher Nexon released their newest free-to-play mobile game, “Evil Factory,” Feb. 1. The game is described as “a mobile top-down action game...