When I finished the first season, I was a bit disappointed in the show. Though the colorful animation was able to visually capture my attention, everything...
The new film, I Choose You, could work as a potential reboot for the franchise, in the form of films.
Free! follows the story of Haruka Nanase, a boy who has a passion for swimming. As a child, he and his three friends Rin Matsuoka, Nagisa Hazuki, and...
Servamp follows the story of high school student Mahiru Shirota. He is a person who enjoys simple things, but dislikes difficult things. One day, while heading home,...
Battery follows the story of Takumi Harada, a young student who is an extremely talented pitcher. However, his talent is a cause of frustration for him because he...
Izuku Midoriya lives in a world where a large majority of humanity possesses super powers, which they call “quirks.” Despite lacking his own quirk, Izuku is...
91 Days takes place during the Prohibition era, in a fictional town named Lawless. The story focuses on Angelo Lagusa, whose family was murdered after a dispute with...
D.Gray-man Hallow, a continuation of the 2006 series D.Gray-man, follows the story of Allen Walker. After joining an organization of exorcists, Allen uses his “innocence” (his weaponized...
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]higeo Kageyama, nicknamed “Mob,” is a middle school student who possesses psychic abilities. Mob Psycho 100 focuses on his goal of fitting in with his fellow peers....
The new season for anime starts in October! While the summer season was loaded with tons of new shows and concepts, this fall season contains several...
Terror in Resonance follows the story of a masked terrorist group, Sphinx, which consists of two teenage boys, Nine and Twelve. Six months after attacking a...
Ten years ago, Heaven’s Gate appeared in South America and Hell’s Gate appeared in Japan. Nobody knows what the purpose of the Gates are...
Mawaru Penguindrum follows the story of a trio of orphaned siblings, Kanba, Shouma, and Himari Takakura. The little sister, Himari, suffers from her rapidly declining health. Kanba...
Blood Lad follows Staz Blood, a vampire who rules over the Eastern district of Demon World. While there are rumors of him being an incredibly powerful monster,...
Mushi-shi is a series that focuses on Ginko, a wandering Mushi-shi (mushi master). He travels throughout the land, studying the different mushi that exist. A mushi...
Steins;Gate focuses on Rintarou Okabe, a self-proclaimed “mad scientist.” With his fellow lab members, Mayuri Shiina and Hashida Itaru, he spends his time messing with a machine that...
Kiznaiver revolves around Katsuhira Agata, a quiet teenage boy who is unable to experience pain. His passive attitude causes him to be a target for bullies...
Bungou Stray Dogs follows the story of Atsushi Nakajima, an 18-year-old boy who is kicked out of an orphanage. He meets Osamu Dazai, a...
In middle school, Kuroko was a member of the “Generation of Miracles,” a group of six players with extraordinary basketball playing abilities. During his three...
Haikyuu!! follows Shouyou Hinata, a middle school student who is inspired to play volleyball after watching the Karasuno ace player, “Little Giant,” playing a game. With his newly created...
Noragami centers around Yato, a minor god who longs to have a shrine and worshippers. His days are spent doing odd jobs, such as cleaning a bathroom or...