It was announced Friday that the ‘Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler’ manga will have a television anime adaptation. Yen Press describes the series as follows: Hyakkaou Private...
Kodansha’s ‘Shonen Magazine Edge’ announced Friday that the ‘Kino’s Journey’ light novel series will have a manga adaptation. Amazon describes the series as follows: Kino wanders...
A ‘Bungo Stray Dogs’ event announced Sunday that the franchise will have a new film project. The event also confirmed the franchise will have a stage...
‘Weekly Shonen Jump’ revealed more details on the sixth anime in the ‘Yu-Gi-Oh!’ anime franchise. The title of the new series is ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS’. The show...
The ‘New Game! Fan Thanks Event ~Next Level~’ event announced Sunday that the ‘New Game!’ anime will get a second season. Crunchyroll describes the series as follows:...
It was announced on Sunday at the Sanuki Film Festival 2017 event that the new ‘Chihayafuru’ live-action movie will take place two years after the first...
Nintendo announced on its YouTube channel Sunday that there will be a worldwide ‘Splatoon 2’ demo in late March. ‘Splatoon 2’ will launch on the Nintendo...
And just when I thought it was improving… Spoilers ahead. You know, I wonder how many people actually read my reviews for ‘KONOSUBA’. I understand that...
Nissin Foods announced Thursday that ‘Final Fantasy XV’ will get Cup Noodle DLC. It was announced at a Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary event in Japan that...
Cuteness has its perks. Spoilers ahead. As I mentioned in my previous review on ‘Saga of Tanya the Evil’, the only aspect of this show keeping...
Do you want a dragon to live with you? The latest episode of ‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid’ continues to live up to my expectations of cuteness,...
‘Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku’ member Rina Matsuno passed away Wednesday due to an unspecified disease. Matsuno was 18. The idol group’s official website announced Tuesday that Matsuno...
Kadokawa announced Friday that the ‘Antiquarian Bookshop Biblia’s Case Files’ novel series will get a live-action and anime film adaptation. Crunchyroll describes the series as follows:...
Fujinomiya-san is best girl. The newest episode of ‘Masamune-kun’s Revenge’ has some interesting twists, to say the least. For one, I guess it’s perfectly normal for...
Niantic, Inc. and The Pokémon Company International announced Wednesday that more than 80 new Pokémon will appear in ‘Pokémon Go’ later this week. This number includes...
Nintendo announced Tuesday that ‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’ will have DLC via an expansion pass. There are two sets of downloadable content...
Subheading: Intern Liz discusses fourteen of her favorite couples in anime and video games! So even though I would still consider myself an uncultured nerd, I...
The Twitter account for the MF Bunko J imprint’s editorial department revealed the final volume cover of the light novel series ‘The Familiar of Zero’ on...
‘Cyborg 009 Call of Justice’ to premiere on Netflix February 10 TOHO Animations 3D CG anime project ‘Cyborg 009 Call of Justice’ will premiere on Netflix...
Stand back everyone, the robot’s got this. If you thought ‘Akiba’s Trip’ couldn’t get any weirder, well guess what. You were wrong. Tamotsu has a new...
The official website for ‘The Irregular at Magic High School the Movie: The Girl who Calls the Stars’ movie revealed Thursday that it will open in...