Naughty Dog has announced its standalone story expansion to the Uncharted universe called Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Originally planned to be a DLC pack, it has...
Breathtaking music paired with unmatched anime visuals, that can only mean a new Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom trailer. Ni No Kuni 2 is the...
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is a new entry in the Marvel vs. Capcom series and is coming out in 2017 The PlayStation Experience debut trailer revealed...
Crash Bandicoot get a remaster in the form of the N. Sane Trilogy.
Naughty Dog was hitting it out of the park at PlayStation Experience, first with the new standalone Uncharted game, and now a sequel to the much-loved...
Resident Evil 7’ final demo is now out for PlayStaion 4 and PlayStaion VR.
Horizon Zero Dawn received a new gameplay trailer at PlayStation Experience today. Horizon Zero Dawn is an upcoming action-roleplaying game developed by Guerilla Games, most known...
Odd Tale Studios would like to congratulate them all on their achievement.
The Game Awards 2016 hosted by Geoff Keighley is an annual awards show that honors video games in all aspects, which was evident this year more...
Not only are Pokémon Sun and Moon the most pre-ordered video games in Nintendo history, but now they are the fastest-selling games that Nintendo has ever...
Ubisoft announced that Watch Dogs 2 is now available on Windows PC. This exciting new AAA sequel to Watch Dogs, but it’s a far cry from...
Warner Bros. Interactive, TT Games, and The Lego Group announce Lego Worlds for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam to be released in February of 2017....
Final Fantasy XV is now available worldwide on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The long awaited next addition to the Final Fantasy franchise had people holding...
An announcement from Telltale on the 22nd tells us that the third season of the The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – A New Frontier will...
Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer component relaunched on Tuesday 22nd after issues rendered the game’s mode to cause severe lagging and even crashes during prerelease, thus was...
Indie game developer Spilt Milk, creator of Tango Fiesta and A Verdant Hue, began continuous open development of Lazarus on November 22nd. Lazarus is 2D Space...
Washington Green, a leading art publisher in the UK, is helping celebrate 25th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog™ by teaming up with SEGA Europe Limited to...
[table caption=”Release Info” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”] Developer,Platforms,Release Date,Price Koei Tecmo ,Digital download PS4- PS Vita,1/31/2017,TBA [/table] Overview: In a series notorious for little change to the...