4 out of 5
Captain America 3: Civil War
9 years agoon
Cozy KealohaI own most of the comic and was fangirling when I found out the movie was being made. I saw it the night it was released but I was filled with mixed feelings. [SPOILERS]
I rarely ever see movies the day/night they come out. I don’t like going to crowded theaters and paying for overpaid snacks. Most of the time I’d much rather either wait until the movie comes out on DVD/Blu-ray or go and see a matinee show once everyone else has seen the movie. Things are a lot less stressful that way.
Civil War was a much different story. I couldn’t wait. I needed to go see this movie. It was one of my favorite plotlines in the Marvel comics. I own most of the parts of the comic and was fangirling when I found out the movie was being made. I saw it the night it was released but after watching it I was filled with mixed feelings.
I always hate being the guy who exclaims, “THIS DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE COMICS”, because instantly right off the bat I knew that there were going to be quite a few fundamental differences. In the comics, the big issue of that time was the NSA and the Patriot Act. How much should the government be allowed to reach? Do its citizens have a right to privacy in return for protection?
Nowadays, with those issues out in the open and more or less being put on the backburner, we have a different set of issues. With the Islamic State (aka ISIS), drone strikes, and the war in the Middle East, accountability and use of power is a major issue in today’s political world. The movie does its best to mirror this issue instead of trying to revive an old, and possibly even out of touch, affair. The Civil War (comic) was about political strife and what happens when people of differing opinions and power wield it for selfishness.

Cool. More things that Tony has to deal with. He should really see a therapist.
That brings me back to what I said a couple of paragraphs ago. With that fundamental understanding in mind, I feel like this movie still failed to deliver on that account. The movie is supposed to center around differing ideologies but quickly devolves into Iron Man having another episode of PTSD.
The movie kicks off when the Avengers’ actions cause a handful of diplomats to die. This becomes the straw that broke the camel’s back. The United Nations decide to draw up an international law to prevent this from happening. With the world looking on with helpless eyes, they can only hope that the Avengers know what they’re doing. But if Sakovia, NY, DC, and now Nigeria show anything, it’s that the Avengers may be just as dangerous as those they try to thwart.
The law they write is called the Sakovia Accords and would put the Avengers on the leash of the U.N. so that they’re no longer an independent body. They would be the acting force of the world.
Stark’s guilty conscience is once again shoved back into his face and makes him eager to go along with the Accords. He believes they should be held accountable to some higher force. Without anyone keeping them in check they make mistakes that cost lives. Captain America says that despite them being super powered individuals they are still individuals. They should have the right to choose even if they don’t always choose correctly. If not, then they become nothing more than simple tools.
As the movie continues on though, the movie becomes less about the political strife between the two and more about Captain America and Iron Man’s separate plots.
Iron Man is trying to resolve his guilty conscience. It seems like a common theme in the past few movies. Iron Man trying to overcome feelings of guilt, inadequacy, or the trauma of losing loved ones. It’s essentially the plot to Iron Man 3. It’s what drives him to build Ultron. This manifests itself in multiple points in this movie alone. In fact, it becomes something the villain’s evil plan (somehow) hinges on.
Captain America wishes to save Bucky, no matter the cost. He believes his friend to be innocent and resolves himself to proving Bucky’s innocence. For a large portion of the movie it becomes Cap and Bucky trying to find the ‘real killer’. The movie sticks with the ‘Frame-Up’ trope and becomes an hour of

“Wait! Don’t shoot! I PROMISE the fight scene later on is totally worth it!”
buildup to the fight that everyone paid 5-20 dollars to see.
Instead of anyone asking Captain America why he’s doing what he’s doing, there are weak excuses for Iron Man to chase Captain America and put Bucky behind bars. With the story suddenly becoming, ‘Who Framed the Winter Soldier?’, the plot drives away from its original message and becomes rather messy. Towards the end of the movie it becomes fixated on Tony Stark’s PTSD and the movie reaches its climax after Captain America incapacitates Iron Man.
Taking into account its inspiration, the movie becomes far removed from its namesake. The movie turns into ‘Captain America: Iron Man’s PTSD (also Spider-man is in this too)’. As a movie that takes the name “Civil War” it does not live up to its name. As another Marvel movie, it does all the things we’ve come to expect. Over the top story, Marvel Superheroes, a few small action-filled skirmishes, and one large exciting battle. Dash that with buildings exploding, collateral damage that makes little sense, and a healthy helping of special effects.
The introduction of Spider-Man and Black Panther into the MCU felt fantastic. Marvel has done a wonderful job of casting the right people each time. Each person they’ve drafted into their universe has brought with them a different feeling that provides a subtle diversity to their cast.

Took all of my effort not to squeal when Spiderman appeared.
Tom Holland is finally the Spider-Man we’ve been looking for. Not only does he embody the awkward nerd that a young Peter Parker is, but he maintained the thrill and joy in watching his alter ego swing around. With quips that brought a smile to the face in the midst of joyless violence, it gave a great taste of what he’s like.
Chadwick Boseman does just as spectacular of a job being Black Panther. He carries the regal stature his character demands. He does not say anything more than necessary and his words have a heavy importance behind them. Combined with a body language that holds power in it, you want to just hang on every word. Black Panther himself doesn’t demand respect. He already knows that he’s deserving of it.
The ending is a little more open ended than some of the previous movies and this leaves me with optimism. Most of the movies so far have ended with either a hint of what the next movie will be like or give a taste of Thanos. As our slow move to Infinity Wars crawls forward, it didn’t have a typical ending.
With Cap, Antman, Hawkeye, Wanda, and Falcon now on the run as wanted fugitives it leaves an interesting dynamic for the movies. It leaves two sects of the Avengers, those who are led by Tony Stark and backed by the UN and those lead by Steve Rogers. This creates advantages and restrictions on both teams that will be interesting to see unfold as the movies do.
I give the movie a 4/5. The action sequences felt powerful and alive. The cast, once again, does a wonderful job and the newest additions fit snugly with the rest. The ending makes this a great jumping off point to start Phase 3 of the MCU that will hopefully take it into bold, new directions.
However, with a story that starts to become a bit incoherent as the story goes on ultimately brings this down. The plot and themes should have become its strongest points. Instead, it begins to feel like a teenagers fan fiction where they have a few good starting ideas but fail to execute them properly in order to rush to the action.
I live with an unstoppable, indomitable and perpetually radiant spirit. Infectious and obnoxious to a fault I'll talk your ear off about anything I can think about. I'm a goofy kid who's in love with the world and all the things it has to offer. I sing in public, dance in my car, and laugh as loud as possible. I'm also inconsistent with my Oxford Commas and I love puns. There's my about me. Hopefully that's sufficient? I'm not really good at those.

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The North remembers.
In the universe of Game of Thrones, scenes’ before the opening theme are constant for the first episode of every season. For example, two great scenes that come to mind are the three Night’s Watchmen hunted down by White Walkers in season one or Tywin Lannister melting down house Stark’s sword Ice for Jamie and Geoffrey, season four. On the other hand, the opening scene of season is just plain horrific but awesome at the same time. Nothing is more satisfying then watching all the men of House Frey choke on their own blood after being reminded of the Red Wedding. It was an absolute grand-slam and took off perfectly from where we last saw Aryain season 6.
The North remembers.
Right after the credits we get a quick reminder of the army of the dead, and with more bad news; Giant white walkers. But thankfully we are intercepted by Bran warding into one of them which seems like a very useful ability (what’s next dragon’s or an ice dragon?). He is now with
the Watchers on the Wall and back in the mix, hopefully heading for Winterfell where he can inform Jon he is a Targaryan (This will be hype! I wonder if he can be burnt by fire!). Bran’s story has taken a back seat to other prevalent Starks but it’s nice to see him in the mix, demonstrating his power.
Next, we have psycho Cersei and her sane, lover brother Jaime. I still can’t forgive him for pushing Bran from the tower but I am starting to come around. The disapproving way he has been looking at Cersei dating back to last season says it all. From confronting her about
Tommen’s suicide, to questioning her about the enemies created (Targaryans, Tyrells, Starks, Dornish, and Half the Iron Borne) and the lifeless dynasty they will continue. He keeps his position with Cersei discussing what allies they have left but Jaime is clearly becoming distant and realizing the extent of his lover/sister’s delusion. I forecast a remake of the tale of “The King Slayer” retitled “The Queen Slayer”. In the mean time, the diabolical Yuron Greyjoy, the new king of the Iron Islands rekindles the bond between the Lannisters to move him into a prime position to become King of The Seven (three at this point) Kingdoms. He is presented as a lot more cunning and rounded character kissing up to the Queen and promising her a gift, whether that be Tyrion, and/or a thousand ship armada. What will be interested is how Jaime responds to a marriage between them, because Cersei and Yuron have a demonistic chemistry. She even abides by him making hand jokes and death threats (killing his brother, telling her to do the same). This was a fantastic scene all the while, and it really shows if Cersei get’s close to Yuron and isolates Jamie she will create yet another enemy.
We then get to a short snippet of Samwell Tally’s horrific, grotesque life as a server at the Citadel preparing to become the maester of Castle Black. There is a massive scene which shows him preparing food, cleaning and handling old people plumbing. What’s intriguing is the un-thrones like comedic cut between him doing his daily work; It’s funny and it’s not a bad idea to lighten the tone up because Tyrion used to be the comedy for us in the earlier seasons. Samwell helps the archmaester with the dissection of a corpse where he confirms his thoughts of the White Walkers. What was kind of cheap for me was his simple way of finding dragon glass through a book in the restricted section. It seemed too easy for Game of Thrones, like something you would see Hermione Granger find in the “restricted section”. Hopefully there is more too this but it was kind of stale and forced
Oh wait, Ed Sheeran? I didn’t see it coming, and I thought it was weird but acceptable. It was obviously him having an in with the producers and wanting a cameo role, but he has pure, angelic voice and creates a sympathetic feeling for the Lannister troops that brings out the non-assassin in Arya. She tells them she’s on her way to kings landing to “kill the queen” and it’s not taking seriously which shows how dangerous she has become. But what I see from this is season two when Mellisandre said there is a darkness in her. This darkness has come to fruition and it will be interesting to see how this is received by the remaining Starks. Besides the randomness of Ed Sheeran, I thought this really grounded Arya.
Sandor Clegane and the brotherhood without banners are now at a place he would rather not be; an old victim’s house where Clegane took their silver and resources. They find the father and daughter dead, holding each other. This almost creates an epiphany for the character, asking why the child dies, and fellow brother Beric Dondarion should be brought back. Then the flames get him, showing him the army of the dead and the reality of the larger issue at hand. I think we will see a more compliant hound the rest of this season. I’ve loved this character from the beginning and his arch is getting much broader for the better. I predict a positive change in attitude for the hound.
Finally, the Queen of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Denarys Stormborn is finally home. From season one this is the only thing she has wanted. But now, she has an army of unsullied, the Dothraki and there gigantic Dragons. The final scene of her tearing down the Baratheon banner and taking her spot among her ancestors war table was breathtaking. It was a long, drawn out scene but the character deserves this and it has been a long time waiting. Fire and blood seem to be the strongest motto of any house right now, and it will for sure be enforced upon the Lannisters. My prediction although is that she won’t penetrate King’s Landing because of Cersei’s ruthlessness and George R.R Martin curveball tendency. Whit I think everyone is looking forward to is the meeting with Jon Snow that will eventually happen. It will be interesting if she commands him to bend the knee (he better not, he’s the rightful heir of the Taragaryan house and not a usurper like Daenarys)! This episode was a great starting block for the season while still providing notable and exciting action.
4 out of 5
‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid’ Episodes 7 and 8 Review
8 years agoon
March 9, 2017By
Liz Shepherd
Rest in peace, watermelon.
The latest episodes in ‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid’ were very interesting to watch.
One was definitely a fanservice episode, and heck, even the producers know that! Episode 7’s title contains the phrase ‘The Fanservice Episode, Obviously’, so that cracked me up.
Episode 7 focuses on the elements of anime that will appeal to any nerd out there. By that, of course I mean bathing suits and comic conventions! Cue the beach episode!
Tohru and company decide to go swimming for the day. Kanna’s adorable as always, while Lucoa doesn’t realize just how sexual she is toward a small boy.
Like, really? You think wearing a very sexy swimsuit in front of a lot of kids on a beach is okay? And why do you insist on torturing Shouta with your breasts? It’s obvious that he’s tempted, but stop trying to seduce small children.
Of course, they’re dragons, so hilarious antics ensue. Tohru and Kanna get carried away in a swimming race, making water splash up everywhere. Also, a crab and watermelon are murdered. RIP.
However, one aspect that I thought was a nice touch was the backstory we got for Tohru. It wasn’t much, but Tohru and Kobayashi have a deep and meaningful conversation about their family’s lives, as well as how humans and dragons are different from one another. Fanservice episodes usually focus on that alone, but fortunately that’s not the case here.
The second half of Episode 7 focuses on Comiket. Tohru and Kobayashi help Takiya run a booth, and we learn that Fafnir is also participating by attempting to sell powerful curses. Wow, didn’t see thaaaaat coming at all.
Tohru notices otherworldly creatures in their true forms at Comiket, as they reveal that this is a great way to show their true forms. With Kobayashi’s permission, Tohru exposes her wings and tail, appearing to others as if she’s cosplaying as, well, a dragon maid.
Episode 7 was very nice because there were many heartfelt and adorable moments.
Meanwhile, Episode 8 FINALLY introduced the dragon that I keep on mentioning in my reviews. Her name’s Elma, a dragon who is a rival of Tohru’s. Elma accuses Tohru of disrupting the human’s ways and tries to force her to return to the dragon world. This doesn’t succeed, however, as Tohru sends her to an open field and leaves her there.
Unable to get back home, Elma stays in the human world and begins working at Kobayashi’s company. Kobayashi teaches Elma how to use computers and technology so that she can keep her job. Of course, this prompts Tohru to become jealous, smelling the scent of another dragon off Kobayashi like a dog does with a human. I won’t reveal how the episode ends, but it ends in a positive manner for Tohru.
Overall, I really loved these two episodes because they made me feel warm and fuzzy. They appealed to the emotional senses through a heartfelt conversation between Kobayashi and Tohru. Elma is also an innocent sweetheart who only wants to bring harmony to the human and dragon worlds. And I can’t wait to see more of her in the upcoming episodes.
I feel like in these two episodes alone, we learned so much about Tohru and her feelings for Kobayashi. She really wants to understand the human world and will do anything to stay with Kobayashi.
I’ll up my rating to a 4.7. These episodes were both fun, and we finally got the new dragon! Bless.
4 out of 5
‘Masamune-kun’s Revenge’ Episode 7 Review
8 years agoon
February 21, 2017By
Liz Shepherd
A beach/horror episode? I’m in.
Spoilers ahead.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes when the latest episode of ‘Masamune-kun’s Revenge’ started. Great. It’s the stereotypical beach episode that most anime have. Hooray.
But I’ll give Episode 7 the credit that it’s due. It takes several interesting twists that I didn’t see coming.
Masamune convinces Aki to take him and all of their friends to a private villa on an island. Talk about an awesome summer vacation.
However, Yoshino informs Masamune that if he doesn’t make any better progress to win over Aki, she’ll rat him out. This of course freaks Masamune out, and he takes action by declaring in front of all their friends that he and Aki are dating.
He manages to get away with this, as there’s a secretary for the Aki family present at the villa. Midori is an interesting character since she’s so gorgeous, but is constantly being dumped by men.
Anyway, much to her disappointment, Aki decides to fake her relationship in order to please Midori. Meanwhile, Masamune comes up with the elaborate plan of taking his friends to a supposedly haunted building. He asks Yoshino to help him scare Aki so that he can come in and save the day like the good “boyfriend” that he is.
But of course, someone else decides to get involved in the scaring as well. I won’t reveal that here. Needless to say, the plan doesn’t work, well, as planned. Yet thankfully, Masamune’s goal of dating then dumping Aki for realsies is still a secret.
So I think I’ll go ahead and up my rating a bit to a 4.5 out of 5. ‘Masamune-kun’s Revenge’ took an interesting twist on the stereotypical beach episode by adding elements of horror. I also find Midori interesting, and I hope that this episode isn’t the last we see of her. Meanwhile, I’m slowly losing faith in Neko. Because as sweet as she is, she’s still trying to interfere in Masamune’s plan, and I’m going to fight her on that.
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