Sonic is back in the second of five installments of SEGA’s Sonic Mania Adventures. In case you missed the action, you can get caught up on...
Join The Elist Culture Snobs Out of Touch with the Common Man as they discuss Avengers Infinity War. They’re an odd cast broadcasting from Boston to...
The Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario pack for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI on iPad is now available in the iOS App Store for $8.99. The...
Hearthstone recently released their new expansion The Witchwood, their 8th expansion, featuring 135 new collectible cards and the new Druid alternate hero Lunara. This week, it...
The Elitist Culture Snobs Out of Touch With Common Man, take a closer look at the Steven Spielberg directed movie, Ready Player One. Was it good?...
Marvel Studios’ Avengers_ Infinity War – Official Trailer [KGVID width=”1000″ height=”563″ ][/KGVID]Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Release: April 27th
Is Black Panther the first mainstream bigscreen black superhero ? Yes, yes he is.
RECAP: We’re introduced to the city, Neo Yokio, in an late eighties-style tourism video which highlights the cultural achievements of the city. It had me...
Tragic backstories for villains have often been used to address why they are evil and continue to further own selfish goal. Though there are two characters...
Nintendo seems to be shifting their targeted demographic of kids and families over to teens adults for the Nintendo Switch. Joining the growing library of mature...