The Martian finds Damon and Scott turning in some of their best work in years, particularly Scott, whose last films have primarily been received negatively. I...
Ah yes, let the nostalgia kick in. We need Dragonzord power, now! Ah yes, let the nostalgia kick in. Late last year,...
One of the major reasons I want to do this review is because Disney decided to bend the Star Wars fan-base over a Dejarik table and...
We get some sweet, sweet shared universe, and Liz Taylor finds love. I really only liked this episode for two reasons: We get some sweet,...
To burst your bubble, this isn’t a permanent new show. This is a six episode event series, beginning on January 24th 2016. You’ve heard the...
Every child across the nation loved the Power Rangers and it didn’t take long for them to become a household name. To this day, the franchise...
Fringe is better than the X-Files.Fight me in the comments section, I’ll school the ever-loving shit out of you on why my show is better than yours....
This one is based on our very own Tyler Oberheu and what happens when he’s bored.
The genius of the show is that it finds its humor by focusing on Phil/Tandy’s antics as he looks out only for himself and constantly tries...
If you do happen to be a fan of Murphy’s particular style and ridiculousness, chances are you will like Scream Queens. Nip/Tuck. Glee. American Horror...