Jason David Frank is coming right at you with his jam-packed web television show called, My Morphing Life. It’s morphin’ time! Well, for your Internet connected...
The articulation on the figure is top notch. When it comes to collectible toys there are plenty of big name companies that come to mind. Pertaining...
I was delighted that I got to choose the tone of my romance. Introducing: Rivalmance! There is a lot of controversy surrounding Dragon Age II. Not...
My goal is always to help my submissive explore the limits of what they can achieve sexually. Last time I started into a list of...
In Batman #44 it’s not The Joker, Penguin, Bane, or Two-Face that takes a life, it’s a police officer, and the life taken is a young,...
This either fills you with dread, turns you on at the exciting possibilities, or really doesn’t move you much at all. So, you’ve been reading along...
What if you’re not real and you’re merely just a manifestation of myself reading this article because deep down I think no one else is going...
BioWare, another one of my most favorite video game developing companies, is truly a pioneer of games. This statement has never been truer than when it...
This is a review of a comic book. Also, in addition to that, this is NOT at all a review of a comic book. This is...
Sometimes, Once Upon a Time sucks hairy man balls. I’ve been avoiding getting around to writing this for several reasons, but mostly because it would mean...