During E3 2017, Nintendo’s conference presents a new chapter for one its popular game series – Super Mario Odyssey. If gamers want to take a break...
Metro: Exodus was premiered at Xbox’s E3 Press Conference yesterday, and the hype train is already in full effect regarding this apocalyptic sandbox survival horror....
The first Stars Wars BattleFront was an “ok game” When in many of our opinions it should’ve been a great game. It wasnt a bad game,...
Gotta give EA credit for trying to revitalize couch co-op. Netflix and Chill? More like Gameplay and Chill! EA announced at today EA Play press conference...
Fast cars, pulling a heist on a large pickup truck and lots of high-speed action No, I’m not talking about the Fast & Furious or...
Indie MEGABOOTH have announced their line-up of titles and studios that will be participating in their 2017 E3 MEGABOOTH. The organizers will feature six indie titles...