The Game Creators, the company responsible for the infamously underwhelming FPS Creator and GameGuru, is expanding its reach into action RPG territory with “MyWorld,” a new...
Marek Rosa, maker of Steam Early Access mainstay “Space Engineers,” announced today that his company GoodAI is hosting a multi-year competition to create more human-like artificial...
Action-RPG veteran developer Neocore released a public alpha test of “Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr” for early supporters. “Inquisitor – Martyr,” the latest entry into the...
VR technology has been used to take players to distant galaxies, rob banks and be a ninja. So, of course, the next logical step is to...
On Feb. 3, MMO “Skara – The Blade Remains” launched its Open Alpha for players on Steam for PC as a free-to-play, with weekend event “Cataclysm”...
When a game brags about its lovely collection of hexes, most gamers would think of titles in the vein of “Civilization.” But “HEXTERMINATE” is far different. The...
Dead allies fall limply, without any sense of weight or impact
[yp_tabs boxed=”false”] [yp_tab title=”Article” active=”true”] The “Shift” is going to hit the fan later this month. Er… That’s a big pile of “Shift.” Um… Get ready...
"Days of War," a new WW2 multiplayer shooter launched Jan. 26 on Steam Early Access
Burning Arrow, developer of Steam Early Access game "The Other 99," teased ominously vague "major changes"