The in-progress “X-Wing” series spiritual successor “Starfighter Inc.,” developed by Impeller Studios, showed at PAX East March 10-12 and is set to launch a second Kickstarter...
Steven Sharif, creative director of “Ashes of Creation,” the upcoming dynamic fantasy MMO, detailed what exactly Intrepid Studios means by a “dynamic world” in a blog...
The Game Creators, the company responsible for the infamously underwhelming FPS Creator and GameGuru, is expanding its reach into action RPG territory with “MyWorld,” a new...
Intrepid Studios released a pre-alpha gameplay trailer of its upcoming MMORPG “Ashes of Creation” Feb. 28. “Ashes of Creation” is a fantasy MMORPG intended to...
Italian developer Bears in Mind really seems to like bears and beards. In fact, at this very second, gamers have a shot to fund the studio’s...