Steven Sharif, creative director of “Ashes of Creation,” the upcoming dynamic fantasy MMO, detailed what exactly Intrepid Studios means by a “dynamic world” in a blog...
Intrepid Studios released a pre-alpha gameplay trailer of its upcoming MMORPG “Ashes of Creation” Feb. 28. “Ashes of Creation” is a fantasy MMORPG intended to...
On Feb. 3, MMO “Skara – The Blade Remains” launched its Open Alpha for players on Steam for PC as a free-to-play, with weekend event “Cataclysm”...
players will discover an immersive world of magic to thrive in.
It's a big year so far for Playata's browser game "Hero Zero"
It was called Star Wars Galaxies (SWG). Ever since I was born, I have been a Star Wars fan, and this game alloyed me to put...