Square Enix has announced that the highly-anticipated DLC for “NieR: Automata” will be released on May 2nd. Titled “3C3C1D119440927”, the DLC includes three new coliseums to...
The popular “Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth” has a sequel on its way, titled “Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory”. Taking place after the events of...
2016 and 2017 have been great years for games, seeing the release of “Overwatch”, “NieR: Automata”, “Dark Souls 3”, and a host of other titles. Many...
Until May 1, players can travel back in time to explore the stories of some of Overwatch’s heroes and most important moments in the game’s lore...
Critically acclaimed Metroidvania-style game “Axiom Verge,” which was previously relegated to digital releases on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Steam and Wii U, will hit real,...
It’s time for “Touhou”. At their annual press event, NIS America announced that the 3D versus installment of the popular “Touhou” franchise “Touhou Kobuto V: Burst...
If tattoos could grant superpowers. NIS America announced at their annual press event that the title “Tokyo Tattoo Girls” will be released in North America and...
I guess saying it’s returned isn’t really necessary. At their annual press event, NIS America announced release dates for the next installment of the “Cladun” series,...
VR technology has been used to take players to distant galaxies, rob banks and be a ninja. So, of course, the next logical step is to...
Fancy yourself an expert assassin? Looking to get even more play out of "Hitman"
Fans of the Studio Fizbin and Headsup Games release “The Inner World” for PC and Mac can look forward to not only a console debut,
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is a new entry in the Marvel vs. Capcom series and is coming out in 2017 The PlayStation Experience debut trailer revealed...
When No Man’s Sky was announced, they hype was nothing short of a firestorm. It seemed like every corner of the internet was frothing with anticipation,...