The Game Creators, the company responsible for the infamously underwhelming FPS Creator and GameGuru, is expanding its reach into action RPG territory with “MyWorld,” a new...
CD Projekt Red released a live concert video of music from “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” and both its expansions on YouTube on Feb. 15. The...
The kingdom of Nilfgaard will be added as a playable faction in "Gwent: The Witcher Card Game," CD Projekt Red announced Jan. 30.
At nolo de me ipso turpis. Ut nullam curae. Scis quid mihi quod infernum sit amet nunc magis animum, nunc eros eget quam cogitatione emptio damnat....
At nolo de me ipso turpis. Ut nullam curae. Scis quid mihi quod infernum sit amet nunc magis animum, nunc eros eget quam cogitatione emptio damnat....