The Shin Megami Tensei series is known for using various gods, demons, and angels within its franchise, and is not shy in portraying them as antagonistic...
Square Enix has announced that the highly-anticipated DLC for “NieR: Automata” will be released on May 2nd. Titled “3C3C1D119440927”, the DLC includes three new coliseums to...
The popular “Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth” has a sequel on its way, titled “Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory”. Taking place after the events of...
Interactive Licensing Management (ILM) has announced a multi-territory deal to represent Halfbrick Studios’ brands across multiple product categories. One of these includes “Fruit Ninja”, the mobile...
2016 and 2017 have been great years for games, seeing the release of “Overwatch”, “NieR: Automata”, “Dark Souls 3”, and a host of other titles. Many...
Square Enix has announced that a set of downloadable content will be available for critically-acclaimed “NieR: Automata” on the PS4 and Steam. Titled “3C3C1D119440927”, it will...’s mobile title “Tasty Treats” will be releasing a competitive mode on April 21 for Androids and iOS. The game is a match-3 title that goes...
Since last year, Funky Panda and GAMEVIL have been developing a new game to target the mobile gaming audience and focus on international appeal. Both companies...
Until May 1, players can travel back in time to explore the stories of some of Overwatch’s heroes and most important moments in the game’s lore...
There’s a new publisher in town. Up-and-coming publisher and developer Keystone Games is rising in the industry, predicted to be a new force in video games...
It’s time for “Touhou”. At their annual press event, NIS America announced that the 3D versus installment of the popular “Touhou” franchise “Touhou Kobuto V: Burst...
If tattoos could grant superpowers. NIS America announced at their annual press event that the title “Tokyo Tattoo Girls” will be released in North America and...
20 years of card games meet board games and counting. NIS America has announced that the next installment of their turn-based strategy series “Culdcept”, titled “Culdcept...
I guess saying it’s returned isn’t really necessary. At their annual press event, NIS America announced release dates for the next installment of the “Cladun” series,...
The Genera Games Android title “Taps & Dragons – Idle Heroes ” has released a new Youtube trailer of gameplay and features, notably the Fusion feature....
Love eSports? Want to watch them 24 hours a day? Live in Canada? Now you can. The premium Canada broadcast Super Channel has partnered with GINX...
Vampires, labyrinths, and roguelike gameplay, oh my. Steam game “Devoid of Shadows” by N-Game Studios and ArsLogica has reached greenlight for PC. It is a 3D...
Started in their underwear and now there’s over two million downloads. GungHo Online Entertainment and Grasshopper Manufacture’s free-to-play hack-and-slash PS4 title “LET IT DIE” has topped two...
The Top 4 has been decided! Over at the GFinity Area in London, players have been duking it out to win the 2017 Call of Duty...
On Feb. 3, MMO “Skara – The Blade Remains” launched its Open Alpha for players on Steam for PC as a free-to-play, with weekend event “Cataclysm”...
Something Classic Games announces the launch date for single player RPG “Shadows of Adam”, set to release on Feb. 23. Legendary hero Orazio disappears, leaving his...