The in-progress “X-Wing” series spiritual successor “Starfighter Inc.,” developed by Impeller Studios, showed at PAX East March 10-12 and is set to launch a second Kickstarter...
It’s time for “Touhou”. At their annual press event, NIS America announced that the 3D versus installment of the popular “Touhou” franchise “Touhou Kobuto V: Burst...
VR technology has been used to take players to distant galaxies, rob banks and be a ninja. So, of course, the next logical step is to...
Swedish developer Quixel has announced that their VR debut "Homebound" will be released on Steam on Feb. 16 for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
Developer Lionsgate and publisher Starbreeze have had a relationship based on the John Wick franchise and they're are taking it to the next level with the...
2016 was a huge year for the video game corporate landscape, with just over $30 billion worth of mergers and acquisitions and investments helping break 2014's...
If anyone thought that VR was going to be a magical piece of technology with absolutely no drawbacks, then you've been sadly mistaken.
OtherSide Entertainment released Underworld Overlord on December 8th exclusively for Daydream, Google’s mobile VR platform.