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The Missed Opportunity in Star Wars: The Force Awakens



[SPOILERS] but who hasn’t seen this yet, honestly?


I’m going to start by saying that I loved the new movie. I’ll also add that I like the original films more. Hopefully that’ll save me a little from what I’m about to say. I wish the new movie had more space politics. I can explain.

J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars feels like a natural addition to the series in the vein of the original trilogy. The filmmaking is clean and tight, like most of the stuff Disney is putting out these days, but it still has that “Star Wars” feel in the special effects and design. Abrams was meticulous in his recreation of the fictional universe, and the attention to detail shows. The film also succeeds in casting probably the two most interesting leads in the past 30 years since Return of the Jedi (not including Ewan McGregor!). John Boyega and Daisy Ridley bring with them some much needed energy, and their scenes together were some of the most fun to watch. They bring the script to life beyond their characters’ tired archetypes, and they seem like they belong in this campy alternate universe.



Come on. They look fun.


Many reviewers have cited a checklist adherence to A New Hope’s plot. While for the most part The Force Awakens recreates that magic, maybe J.J. Abrams could’ve struck gold with a more original screenplay than what he had. As this movie has proven once again, the A New Hope film formula works, but used in The Force Awakens it feels like chartered territory. The cantina scene, for instance. In TFA, this scene is great, it takes the best from the original cantina scene and blows it up (thanks Disney money :). Both scenes humanize this alien galaxy and make a green guy with insect eyes accessible. But George Lucas already achieved this in 1977. Inhuman creatures with human characteristics is accepted now. J.J Abrams’ Star Trek franchise has been doing exactly that, and so the scene is not impactful in the way it is in A New Hope. That’s not to say that’s what Abrams and Disney attempted, in fact, their entire marketing strategy along with the film itself has been to remind audiences how beloved the original trilogy is. So it’s no wonder TFA is so similar to ANH. It’s a safe move, and when a company acquires a brand for $4 billion, they’ll make sure it’s protected. But I can’t help but think the new movie suffers from it’s homage to the past.

One of the things I was hoping to see in the new film was a glimpse at the New Republic. I am not well versed in the Expanded Universe of games, novels, or comics, but I have some awareness of the major points touched on in various EU works. And one of the big topics that always interested me was the New Republic.


And this map's just a cluster fuck. Like....just show me.

And this map’s just a cluster fuck. Like….just show me.


What happened to the galaxy after the big bad Empire, huh? One of the cool things I thought the prequels did despite all the bad (no need to talk about THAT anymore) was show these various alien species working out their society together. It goes against everything the cantina scene is about (which is to bring all of those species into a space that allows them to be a part of George Lucas’s serialized action/adventure series), but it’s another way of making this sci-fi fantasy world more accessible.


Yeah, the execution of depicting this intergalactic government was as exciting as actually watching C-SPAN, but the idea behind it was absolutely great. How did this society work before it fell into an empire? That kind of question—one of the major questions for the prequels to answer besides the origins of Darth Vader—required a look at that world’s government. It’s not in the same vein as the original trilogy, but that’s why it’s a part of a different trilogy. Certainly a departure, but experimentation is what made the original Star Wars the landmark it was in the first place.




TFA’s mimicry of the original films is still so much fun, but I’m going to say it might have been even better if they had tried something new. Obviously, Disney has certain interests to protect since they are a business first-and-foremost, and they have decades of merchandise to capitalize on and so safeguard. I get it. But it seems like they were so afraid of upsetting fans with any hint of something as insufferable as “trade agreements” that anything not set in a cockpit or bridge spanning a questionably endless chasm was deemed unfit. It’s Star Wars in a vacuum. These characters live in a galaxy supposedly packed to the brim with variety and depth but the audience never sees it. The prequels at least show a lived in world. A horrible world where people talk as if they’re in a soap opera, but a lived in one nonetheless. While the New Republic has been destroyed before it could ever really make a debut, maybe the next films in the series will show audiences a little more of the galaxy this Resistance is fighting for. If Disney keeps their promise of Star Wars films until the end of time, it might actually happen at some point.

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5 AAA Games and Their Budgets: How much was spent, how much was made, and was it worth it



5 AAA Games and Their Budgets: How much was spent, how much was made, and was it worth it in the end.

In the videogame community, it’s impossible to have never heard of an AAA game (commonly pronounced Triple-A game), either during the marketing phase or thrown around amongst gamers. At some point in time, you’ve probably picked one up yourself. The term AAA game is commonly used by big publishers and developers simply as a marketing tactic to deem their game as “better” or “innovative,” but most of the differences between AAA games and indie games simply comes down to the budget and production team behind the scenes. While indie games or smaller developments will have much smaller budgets, AAA games can have an average development budget of around $60 million to $80 million, but many have been known to double, triple, or even quadruple that budget. Some of these games required thousands of employees ranging from programmers, developers, artists, composers, writers, and more, with even more extensive marketing campaigns as well.

However, once a game is created and released, many fans don’t consider the budget that went into creation when purchasing, but many will know whether or not it was deemed as an AAA game during its marketing campaign. The question comes in whether or not a game is truly worth being deemed an AAA game. Is it just the budget that deems whether or not a game is AAA? Is it simply just a tool used by big developers to hype their game up? Or is there something more nitty gritty about the details of development that causes a game to become an AAA game. To analyze these questions, here’s a list of 5 AAA games and their budgets–how much might have been spent creating the game, how much was made, and if fans deemed it to be worthy of that praise. 

1.) Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

Budget: Not concretely stated, but Odyssey was reportedly around $500 million

Earnings: Around $1 billion at release

Released in November of 2020, most players seem to have enjoyed this installment in the long-standing Assassin’s Creed franchise. Valhalla takes place in a viking-era Norway, following the main character Eivor who seeks revenge against the man who killed their parents and slaughtered their town. During the narrative, Eivor also deals with the political affairs of enemy kingdoms, prophetic visions, and the titular assassins the franchise is known for. Through Eivor, the player engages in snappy, fast-paced combat and a well-written story. According to Google, players seem to have enjoyed this installment, as 89% of Google users liked AC: Valhalla. Although the budget hasn’t been concretely stated, a similar AC project of this size, Odyssey, reportedly had a budget of around an eye-popping $500 million. While that may seem like an unreasonable budget, upon release, AC: Valhalla sold around 17 million copies at $60. Therefore, at around $1.02 billion, AC: Valhalla broke even on release, even with a potentially enormous budget. According to Ubisoft, Valhalla set a record-breaking number of sales, quickly becoming the company’s top-selling PC launch ever recorded. In this case, both the players and the company agree that this AAA game’s large budget was worth it in the end. 

2.) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Budget: $100 million

Earnings: $620 million

Released in 2011, Skyrim was the fifth installment in the long-standing and well-known Elder Scrolls series. While the previous installment, Oblivion, also had an impressive revenue count of around $280 million, Skyrim more than doubles that at around $620 million. Set in a nordic inspired fantasy country called Skyrim, 200 years after the events of Oblivion, the player takes on the role as the dragonborn, a mythical human with the ability to learn shouts. The player takes on the quest to defeat Alduin, a dragon that is prophesied to end the world. With an open-world and a heavy emphasis on adventure and roleplay, Skyrim follows the theme of playing the game the way you want, the same way all the installments of the Elder Scrolls series seem to play out. Although the game reportedly cost around $100 million to develop, it seems the fans believe it was worth it. According to Google, around 96% of Google users liked the game and upon release the game received critical acclaim. Years later, Skyrim still remains relevant primarily due to the thanks of modders and DLC content that remasters the game and keeps it fun years after release. Despite the impressive success and revenue, fans are still waiting for the sixth installment in the Elder Scrolls series ten years later, primarily due to the fact that Bethesda seems to be focusing on Elder Scrolls: Online in the meantime. As of right now, the only hope fans have seen for Elder Scrolls VI was a small teaser trailer released in 2018.

3.) Cyberpunk 2077

Budget: Roughly $316 million

Earnings: $563 million

Although Cyberpunk 2077’s launch was widely regarded, in the kindest terms, as a shitshow, CD Projekt Red still managed to pull in around $563 in sales revenue after spending around $316 million in budget. The largest concern around Cyberpunk 2077 was the marketing. At first, the game was marketed as an innovative, open-world RPG set in a mature and futuristic cyberpunk world, with the player’s main stomping ground Night City. However, somewhere during the development of the game, the genre was changed from RPG to action-adventure, leaving many fans scratching their heads. Upon release, the game was riddled with hilarious game-breaking bugs, the main-story campaign was ridiculously short, and the graphics and gameplay was optimized only for new-gen consoles, leaving those with older consoles playing on choppy, low-quality graphics. According to Google, however, around 71% of Google users liked the game. While that may seem like a pretty decent average when considering the launch the game had, in comparison to other averages on this list the game performed very poorly. With media and reviews also displaying player dissatisfaction, in this case the Triple-A eye-popping budget was not worth it for most. However, it can be easy to blame the developers when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077’s downfall. However, the amount of times the game’s release was delayed, along with the pandemic happening at the time, it was clear that the development team was crunching hours on a game that just simply needed more time to be developed. But that wasn’t the team’s fault, per se. The truth of the matter is that due to the budget and due to the marketing and hype surrounding the game, those at the corporate level likely pushed the game to be released when it wasn’t ready. Many gamers can vouch, though, that most would like a game to be bug-free and optimized before release, and with a well-paid, well-rested, and no-crunch studio behind it, too.

4.) Red Dead Redemption 2

Budget: $80 to $100 million, while some sources reporting as high as $300-$500 million

Earnings: Around $1 billion

The long awaited prequel and second installment to Red Dead Redemption was released in 2018 and received universal acclaim from critics and fans alike, making it an extremely well-received sequel. Although it had expectations to live up to, both as the prequel to the first game and with a budget of up to $100 million, RDR 2 seemed to live up to the hype. Set in a fictional recreation of the Old West in 1899, RDR 2 centers around the story of Arthur Morgan and the notorious Van der Linde gang. After a robbery goes wrong, the gang is thrown into turmoil and decline as they deal with lawmen, rival gangs, and… swamp zombies. With a stunning open-world and an immersive, well-crafted story, Red Dead Redemption 2 was worth both the wait and the budget, for Rockstar Games and fans alike. According to Google, 96% of Google users liked the game. For a Triple-A game, this one seemed to be worth both the marketing and budget.

5.) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Budget: $81 million

Earnings: $200 million


Are AAA games worth it in the end?

Another CD Projekt Red game for the list, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had a much better reception than Cyberpunk 2077. The Witcher series is the game franchise that threw CD Projekt Red into becoming a major league development studio. Originating as a book series written by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher franchise follows the story of Geralt of Rivia, a white-haired legendary witcher who is thrown into a story of fate, family, magic, and lots and lots of monster-fighting. Marketed as an action role-playing game, the third installment in the series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt follows the story of Geralt as he aims to protect his adopted daughter, Ciri, who is running from a mythological Wild Hunt. With dynamic environments and advanced artificial intelligence, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was a game that set the expectations for CD Projekt Red. However, this game performed much better than Cyberpunk 2077, according to Google around 95% of Google users liked The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, making its impressive budget seem worth it in the end. With the success of The Witcher 3 and the fail of Cyberpunk 2077, it calls into question the validity of marketing a game as AAA. While both had impressive budgets, one was clearly more polished and ready for release than the other, but both had the expectation of being a well-developed, well-funded game.

With this list in mind, we can see that there are some games with high budgets that tend to perform better than others. However, all are marketed as Triple-A games, leaving consumers to decide whether or not the game is worth purchasing in the end. However, with such large budgets and strategic marketing, AAA games tend to be pricier than indie games and many will even take some form of pre-ordering into account. For some games, this pre-order works out if the released, final product lives up to consumers’ expectations. However, in the case of Cyberpunk 2077, many felt duped that this AAA game was marketed to be amazing, innovative, open-world, immersive and ended up pre-ordering a game that did not live up to their expectations. With Cyberpunk, the case is more severe than other disappointing games, since some bugs upon release were entirely game-breaking. Still, as I personally had finished playing the main campaign in all of ten to twelve hours while still playing side missions and roaming around, I felt that the game’s steep price just simply wasn’t worth it. 

For me, this makes the culture and hype surrounding AAA games a bit trickier. While the marketing and budget are there to back the hype up, these games tend to have a harmful environment surrounding them both with consumers and developers. While consumers may be duped into pre-ordering an expensive game that doesn’t live up to the hype, developers, artists, writers, and programmers are forced to work overtime and “crunch” to make these games presentable for release. With such steep budgets, one would think that these developers would be able to sustain a reasonable work schedule, but many are overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid. This leaves one to wonder if AAA means anything at all when labeling a game, or if it’s simply a way for big videogame corporations to market their game as “innovative” and “better,” while mistreating their development team to get there. As is commonly the case, a bigger budget does not necessarily mean a better game, as many critically acclaimed indie games such as Stardew Valley or OneShot were created with little to no budget. Therefore, it’s important to take a look at the culture and expectations surrounding AAA games. What really makes an AAA game different from the others? Is it marketing, budget, or the development team behind it? More importantly, we should analyze the culture behind AAA games to realize that, sometimes, the pressure and the hype of creating an amazing game can leave unfair expectations on the team behind the scenes, leaving many developers underappreciated and overworked. If bigger budget games means mistreating workers to the point of exhaustion, AAA games might simply just not be worth it in the end. 

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Sony partners with Discord to bring the app to Playstation




Sony partners with Discord to bring the app to Playstation

On May 3rd, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced a partnership with Discord to bring the communication service to Playstation beginning early next year. The small announcement revealed that Sony has also decided to make a “minority investment as part of Discord’s Series H round.” 


“Empowering players to create communities and enjoy shared gaming experiences is at the heart of what we do, so we are beyond excited to start this journey with one of the world’s most popular communication services.” – Jim Ryan, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment


What is Discord?

Released in 2015, Discord is a service that encompasses instant-message, voice chat, and internal streaming. Initially popularized by the gaming community, Discord later expanded and rebranded their app as a social tool beyond gaming, such as for project management, academia, and business. However, Discord has remained true to its gaming roots, making the Sony partnership both plausible and beneficial for the social app.


What does this partnership mean?

While the announcement does not detail the full extent of this new partnership, Sony has divulged the plan to integrate Discord on Playstation, both console and mobile, allowing gamers to use the popular communication app when playing their favorite Playstation games. The move to integrate Discord may also be indicative of the company’s desire to move toward cross-platform gaming, something that Playstation has infamously lacked in the past, but it’s too early to tell if that’s true. However, Sony does promise that more information will be released on this partnership in the coming months, so for now, we might just have to wait and see what the extent of this investment will entail.


For more information on Discord or to follow announcements, check out their Twitter here.

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Galorants Changes the Game for Women and Marginalized Genders




From the very beginning of esports, games have commonly been dominated by men on the competitive scene, a trend that has continued through time to the present day. And yet, as we see a shift for inclusivity on a global scale, the gaming community is also marching toward more inclusivity for women and marginalized genders.

But not without the help from the community. 

In the recently released and increasingly popular game VALORANT, one of these community-run organizations is Galorants–something that started as a Discord server, but grew to be far more important. 

Beginning as a looking-for-group Discord server spawned from the VALORANT subreddit, Galorants grew at a pace that no one could have predicted. What began as a safe space for women to support each other away from the toxicity they often face in gaming communities, the server had grown to be much more. Within the first week, the server had grown to 600 members. By the second week, 1,000. And now, a server that is less than a year old, they are close to reaching 10,000 members, a quick and massive expansion for a Discover server–all consisting of women or marginalized genders.

“We knew by the second week of creation that this server would be huge and we wanted to make sure we made a lasting impact on the female-gaming community.” – Nicci Barker, Owner of Galorants

And with this power in numbers comes the ability to support. The amazing staff behind Galorants and the owner, Nicci, have taken advantage of their growth to provide opportunities and support for women and marginalized genders within the gaming community. Whether that be providing a platform to make friends and support each other, to help women grow in esports, or by hosting women-centered esports tournaments, Galorants looks to change the game for women and marginalized genders in the VALORANT community.

To support Galorants and their endeavors, consider following them on Twitter here.

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